I will be retiring from my gynecology practice. My last day to see patients will be 12/12/24.

Why You Should Consider Surgery With the da Vinci Surgical System

davinci system, surgery

The da Vinci® Surgical System and its robotic technology have dramatically transformed the field of gynecologic surgery. Most procedures that were once done with open surgery can now be performed with minimally invasive techniques that are enhanced by the da Vinci system.

Whether you need surgery to remove uterine fibroids, repair a prolapsed uterus, or perform a hysterectomy, Fred A. Williams, MD, offers you the numerous health benefits of having your procedure done using the da Vinci Surgical System.

The da Vinci system defined

The da Vinci Surgical System is a state-of-the-art robotic system that I use to perform many gynecologic procedures. As I control the da Vinci, my extensive surgical experience is further refined by the flexibility and precision that’s possible with the system’s robotized arms.

Robot-assisted surgery uses a minimally invasive approach, so your procedure is done with one or a few small incisions rather than one large incision. Small incisions cause significantly less trauma compared with open surgery. As a result, you have less postoperative pain, your recovery is quicker, and you have minimal scarring.

Here’s how the da Vinci system works

The da Vinci system consists of three key components. The vision cart holds the image processing equipment and facilitates communication between all the components. The patient side cart supports four robotic arms, which hold the laparoscope and surgical tools.

The laparoscope contains lighting and a video camera that transmits images to monitors used by the surgical team. All the specialized surgical tools are contained in long, narrow tubes that fit through the small incisions.

The final component is the surgeon’s console. From here, I can view the surgical site on a screen while I use master controllers that transmit my finger movements to the robotic arms.

As I sit at the console, I can perform your surgery just as though I’m standing right next to the operating table during open surgery — but I can do it better with the da Vinci’s advanced robotic capabilities.

Why you should choose the da Vinci Surgical System

Now that you know all about the system, let’s get down to the extraordinary benefits that are possible when you choose to have your surgery performed using the da Vinci system.

Exceptional imaging

The da Vinci system provides imaging that gives me a better view than is possible with human eyes or a surgical microscope. I have a high-definition, 3D image, and I can zoom in on the surgical site to clearly see the smallest details on tissues inside your body.

Superior range of motion with improved control

The robotic arms are equipped with EndoWrist® instruments that allow a range of motion and fine movement that’s superior to human hands. My finger movements at the surgeon’s console are essentially converted into tiny surgical instruments at the end of the robotic arms.

The da Vinci system is also built with technology such as motion scaling, which converts my natural hand movement to precise micromovements, and tremor filtering that eliminates normal physiological tremors in human hands.

The bottom line is that your surgery is more precise than is possible with manual laparoscopic surgery, even when it’s performed by a skilled surgeon

Less trauma during surgery

The robotic arms are smaller than my hands. This means I can use them to reach into very tight spaces inside your body without damaging the surrounding tissues.

Better results during complex procedures

Sometimes surgeons start to perform a procedure using minimally invasive techniques, either manual or robot-assisted, then discover an unanticipated problem that requires them to switch to open surgery. This conversion to open surgery happens less often with robot-assisted surgery.

If you have any questions about the da Vinci and whether your surgery can be performed with this safe, precise system, schedule an appointment online or call Fred A. Williams, MD.

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